Weekly News Roundup #11




Ray Tracing GPUs Will Be Required For AAA Titles From 2023


This is what I expected to happen eventually as it does make the graphics for games look really nice, By this point the hardware should be sufficiently developed so that you do not have to sacrifice performance for the pretty graphics. This does bring me back to Nvidia and their push for ray tracing this generation, While in some circumstances you can get over 60fps in the long run this “Main” feature of the RTX cards should have been a nice addon. So you get your rasterization performance increase as you would expect generationally but have real time ray tracing as an addon feature for early adopters to play with, But not have it be the main selling point of the card.



“Look, No Hands!” – Google Researchers Disclose Zero Interaction Vulnerabilities in iOS


This is one of the reasons I like apple products the prompt updates! However it is still a little concerning that one of the vulnerabilities is still present. This means this is not present in a function but rather the core of the OS, My reasoning for this deduction is that normally if a flaw is found with an apple app or some other function apple will disable/remove it till they can fix it to protect their users. I'm just hoping now that the flaw is live that a fix can happen in a timely manner.




Its sad to see the death of the floppy drive, I have fond memories of installing windows 3.1 using many of these disks. I have had the idea of storing some of my sensitive files on floppy disks, Security in obscurity!. The disks for these drives have not been made by sony since 2010, and while you can still get hold of both the disks and drives i suspect this is just supply that has yet to run out.



AMD CEO confimrs high-end Navi graphics cards are on track


This is something we were all hoping was coming and i can't wait to see if they are going to challenge the top. Now I'm currently planning on using a 5700xt for my TV PC so that i can have nice pretty graphics at a solid 60 with no dips below 60. Now depending on the high performance side they have announced, im hoping for RTX 2080 raterisation performance. I don't care about Ray tracing right now as it's too new and not worth it for tanking performance. Now if it can do this at competitive prices i will look into an all AMD upgrade later this year!



5G MacBooks Are Reportedly Arriving During Second Half of 2020


To be honest why hasn't this happened sooner? Apple has been using cellular modems in its iPhone for years and it seems logical with quite a few other vendors to do an integrated cellular option for their Pro laptops. The only reason i can think of is that for cellular to work you would need to put an RF window on the laptop like on top of the cellular ipads, This probably would have been against the aesthetic of Sir Jonny Ive. Now that he has left it will probably mean that some more function over form can happen with Apples design.